BentSpoke Brewing
We set out to transition BentSpoke from a home grown brewpub to a successful retail product. The challenge was to translate the BentSpoke experience from the brewpub to a saturated retail environment with consumers who tend to stick with their tried and true brews. We decided to bend the rules and it was wildly successful.
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Hey there, this is the default text for a new paragraph. Feel free to edit this paragraph by clicking on the yellow edit icon. After you are done just click on the yellow checkmark button on the top right. Have Fun!
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Hey there, this is the default text for a new paragraph. Feel free to edit this paragraph by clicking on the yellow edit icon. After you are done just click on the yellow checkmark button on the top right. Have Fun!
Branding Brand identity Brand voice Brand communications Strategy Brand strategy Campaign strategy Design Graphic design Type design Implementation Story Copywriting Campaign Campaign development Communications rollout Packaging Retail design Packaging Digital Social UX/UI design Digital design Development
Strategy John Yanny, Emily Reeves, Tegan Clarkson
Creative Direction Tegan Clarkson
Illustration and Packaging Design Trevor Brennan
Design Tegan Clarkson, Matt Tindale
Copywriting Tegan Clarkson
Development Shady Ibrahim, Leo Ladeno
Photography Lightbulb Studio Naomi Colley, Brenton Colley
Selected Works
BentSpoke BeerBranding, Design, Copywriting, Campaign, Packaging, Digital